Keeping you informed!
Visual Effects Conference Begins
Movie, game artists talk shop in Rafael- Carolyn R. Saraspi
Los Angeles Times Calendar Live!
Morning Report Arts & Entertainment Reports, from the Times, News Services and The Nations Press.- Shauna Snow
Menace supervisors Help Launch VES ’99
First detailed look into the making of Star Wars Episode 1: the Phantom Menace- Michael Goldman
Visual Effects Society Holds First Board of Director Elections
"The Visual Effects Society, Sherman Oaks, recently held its first elections filling 15 director seats and three alternate positions."
Visual Effects Launches Website
The Visual Effects Society (VES) a Sherman Oaks headquartered non-profit organization of visual effects professionals, and Creative Planet, A Hollywood based online news and information service joined forces to co-brand VFXPro, a new website devoted to the...
Creative Planet- March 1999
VES Announces Visual Effects Festival - Trevor Anthony
Daily Variety- Idol Molds “Metal”
Singer will voice lead Canuck-German toon.-Andrew Hindes
Micro Publishing News- March 1999
"Visual Effects Society Holds First Board of Director Elections"