Keeping you informed!
JJ Abrams to be Honored with Visual Effects Society’s Visionary Award
The award will be presented at the 13th Annual VES Awards on 4 February, 2015 at the Beverly Hilton Hotel.
J.J. Abrams riceverà da VES il Visionary Award per gli effetti visivi (Italian)
The director of "Super 8", now working on waiting "Star Wars - Episode VII", will be honored with a Visionary Award at the Thirteenth Annual VES...
J.J. Abrams va recevoir le Visionary Award des VES Awards 2014 (French)
Already busy with the filming of Star Wars VII, JJ Abrams is already receiving great prizes!
J.J. Abrams to receive Visionary Award
Filmmaker J.J. ABRAMS is set to receive the Visionary Award at the Visual Effects Society Awards next year (15).
Visual Effects Society Announces the Release of The VES Handbook of Visual Effects: Industry Standard VFX Practices and Procedures, 2nd Edition
VES Launches VFX Reference Platform
VES Launches VFX Reference Platform
Doing VFX Work in Linux? Here’s Your Reference Platform
Doing VFX Work in Linux? Here’s Your Reference Platform. Working with Software Vendors, Visual Effects Society Promotes a New Industry Standard for...
VES Releases First-Ever VFX Software Reference Platform
VES Releases First-Ever VFX Software Reference Platform.
Visual Effects Society Releases First-of-its-Kind VFX Reference Platform
New Industry Standard Platform to Improve Interoperability and Streamline Work of VFX Software Vendors and Studios.
Visual Effects Society Releases VFX Reference Platform
New industry standard platform to improve interoperability and streamline work of VFX software vendors and studios.